JustDeck09's forum posts
We know the new PS3 Slim will play PS1 games but NOT PS2 games. That sort of aggrevates me for a couple reasons. Recently rumors began swirling that Sony intends to sell all PlayStation 2 titles through the PlayStation Network. There was also discussion on bringing Dreamcast games to the PlayStation Network. Hopefully these rumors end up being true of course. But if you don't have a PS2 or it doesn't work anymore you can't play the games you HAVE on the PS3. Will people actually buy games they already own AGAIN? I mean, I'm going to guess the PS2 games would be around $15-$20 on PSN. Now for me, if it were still backward compatible, I would still buy a PS2 game that I always wanted, but never played before. I wouldn't doubt a lot of people would do the same. So is it really THAT necessary to strip the console of its backward capabilities and make people buy the game again because their console won't play the disc version? I discussed this too on my blog today: (moderators note: link removed)
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