I like video games because for those hours I am in playing them, I am in a totally different world, and I can achieve things in the game which I could never do outside of it. I also love the feeling of beating games, and playing them well (i.e online multiplayer).
Just_Some_Gamer's forum posts
I like Merc TD, demolition and recently got a bit of a craze for 3rd person tactical games. Just something different and I find it enjoyable.
The fat one, you can leave on longer. The slim, everything is so condensed, it needs to be turned off to be cooled every hour of playing.
Well that isn't really true, I have the slim and I never do this, it can run for hours fine (with no need to rest) as long as it's well ventilated.
Well unskipable cut scenes are a bit annoying, but if the game is good it's not that bad.
In terms of gameplay, it would have to be dodgy camera angles, or missions that are pointless and offer nothing to the plot.
Well when I was a lot younger the Tomb Raider games on PS1 used to scare me a fair bit. That last freaky demented boss on TR1, the general whole dark setting of Chronicles, certain things just used to creep me out.
I don't tend to play many "scary" games but that forbidden siren game on PS2 was very creepy, just the demo was enough to put me off.
Respawn, that would be all you need.
I would also suggest the weapon selection from Borderlands but that may cause the end of the world.
I have spent a lot of time on COD: WaW multiplayer, It's not so bad now, but when I first got the game I was on every spare moment I had. I have pre ordred MW2 I'm sure it will only get worse.
But still doesn't eclipse the many many hours I spent on PES series from 2004 on the PS2, mainly just ploughing through the master league which never ended.
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