I can't really say whether this is pointless or not because it hasn't been long enough. For all we know this update to the discs could have possibly been a test run for something that may be used with the Xbox 720 (or xbox next or Xbox 3), but as it stands right now for the Xbox 360 it is only helping. It won't make 2 disc games go to 1 disc (Mass Effect 2 was what 6 gigs per disc? 1 extra gig is doing nothing to help that unless that compress the games even more), but that does mean we could possibly get more uncompressed stuff which can mean higher quality. I just doubt they would have done something like this so late into the game if it was only going to help out for 1 or 2 years. I hope that Microsoft wouldn't do something if it didn't benefit them (I say them because it will always benefit them more than us, even though this does kind of benefit us) in the long run.Agent_Kaliaver
Thats actually a very good point! I never thought of that. But for the record I think every company (nintendo, microsoft, sony, etc) have all done things non-beneficial to their consoles. For example when the 360 first launched we got like a 16 gb memory and a 4 gb memory. haha to todays stands thats pure garbage. Wasnt enough to save anything! Sad enough to say i still have my 16 gb harddrive. Oh and I wont even start on the HD DVD extension either... To see if this actually benefits us I guess we will have to wait and see...
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