Being discriminated in real life is one thing, while being put down via online gaming is completely different, last I checked it doesn't matter who you are, to be trolled / harassed by other individuals online. Which is mainly what it is now, individuals harassing other's, not large groups.
I don't think I've ever seen an entire lobby, clan/ guild, or gaming forum openly discriminate and put down individuals/ groups, while they may have a few people that are complete jackass' that doesn't mean that they all think that way. While I have seen teams/clans/guilds decide to be all female or all male, just because that's the type of gaming experience they enjoy. By no means are they stating that it's because they can't stand the other gender or are discriminating against them, it's simply the type of community they prefer/ want to game with a majority of the time if not all the time.
While yes the gaming industry for women as a profession should be exposed/ looked at, the online portion about people being put down could be easily written off as a waste of time. It's the internet and everyone has anonymity, and some people abuse it. If you don't like someone, there are ways to never see / hear (depending on the medium being used) that person again in the online community.
At the end of the day, personally, IDC who you are, if a person has a decent enough attitude, and know's how to play, I'd rather game with that person vs. half the garbage that is making up the population today.
@shaolinwind @alin8921 ...So your saying a computer can't be a dedicated gaming machine? Additionally the only games, that are better played with a controller are maybe fast paced action RPG's and a very select few third person RPG games. Any shooter I've played is easier with a mouse and keyboard, once you get used to it.
I'm no fanboy I've played console games my entire life, with some pc gaming once in a while. But with the ability to map any and all buttons, controllers just can't compete with KB and Mouse when it comes to a good majority of games. Also MMO's and Shooters are pretty much the market for mainstream gaming on console, minus a few decent Action games/ RPG's. PC gaming though is also better for MOBA's and RTS.
With voice commands becoming reality I see what your getting at, but no one is going to be able to spit out as many commands as someone who has a macro'd keyboard by a long shot. The voice recognition isn't that great and probably wont be for some time.
So ya I suppose consoles do own at Action RPG's. With the few exclusives that the consoles still have, it's not worth the launch price tag. Maybe when the price drops. But I suspect exclusives to become even fewer now since the hardware is going to be the same as PC's architecture.
@Serpentes420 @K1LLT3K Oh I know, I get where your coming from. Just wanted to put/ include all the input I have learned about the biblical writing's from some theologian majors, I have had the pleasure to speak with, as to give it perspective from what you where saying, in case anyone wasn't familiar with Abraham, besides the "light" version of the bible.
As far as religion's go I can't speak for every single one out there, but as far as the Christian faith pertains to violence, it does not accept violent acts nor encourage them. While it may be strict on certain issues, violence is never an answer nor disciplinary action that is taught in the new testament. I can only assume that's why there was never a study done on Christianity, the faith / religion doesn't support violence. If a man or supposed preacher is preaching violence for good in the name of Christ, it is the man committing the hypocrisy, not the religion.
I'll admit not all violence is unavoidable ( war for example ) but it should be avoided at all costs, if there is no other solution and if it means protecting the helpless/ defenseless. While the Christian religion does not condone violence, I personally believe that in the most extreme situations it may be necessary to protect the innocent.
And yes, I agree 90% of America doesn't even look into the issue and just goes along with the crowd. It's amazing you learn how much you actually don't know when you look into something for yourself and check all angles. Really puts a different perspective on things. Anyone claiming to have an absolute end all answer to anything, best to run the opposite direction of them less they infect you with the crazy.
This is actually really nice to actually have a decent discussion with someone on a forum for a change lol.
@Serpentes420 Anything can look / sound bad when taken out of context. People should stop trying to blame anything they don't like when something terrible happens. Yes, while I will agree there was alot of weird stuff in the old testament, you can't discount the teachings of it, personally I think it shows what kind of state humanity was in thousands/ of years ago. As far as Abraham goes, his wife told him to do it because she was baron ( unable to have kids). As far as the war's go, that's to much to get into on a forum.
Now for as the media/ article goes, I agree that some games have embraced brutality like it's going out of style. While it's not up my alley to play games that go above and beyond overkill, they aren't what's causing the underlying issues such as mass shootings. There are obviously some serious mental issues when it comes to situations like this. Of all the gamers in the world that play violent games maybe .1% of them actually commit horrible crimes, and frankly that isn't a high enough percentage to say that the content is the issue with any form of media. While increased aggression could be argued, a complete neglect of reality/ consequence is not a side effect of violent video games.
@SpardisJX Still on the fence about that too, the fact they stated the Kinnect will be required for it to function, and the possibility of a constant internet connection required as well, has me skeptical.
The more things you tac on to a device to make it function, the easier it is to malfunction. What happens when you have time to game/ want to and the internet goes down due to maintenance, storm, or construction? Or the kinnect sensor breaks? Before it was all internal, now their are external factors that can cause interruptions to the machine.
NG consoles have their interesting but concerning features indeed, but a diminishing exclusive gaming library. They seem to be shifting into decent media servers more than gaming devices, just saying.
@Jak-25 @ClayMeow eventually all hardware does die, only real solution I have found to continue playing all my old school games from NES to PS2 are emulators on the PC. I am not a fanboy by no means, I love all forms of gaming, but the sad truth is the PC is the only one that will always be backwards compatible for those types of games at least. Someone will always have an emulator functional with the current operating systems, that will always load the ROM files just fine.
Additionally companies are out to make money, eventually they will stop making there devices compatible with old software, while their "solution" to the issue is to re-purchase it from them digitally.
They should allow owners to send in/ enter in the games disc/serial number, to prove ownership, then allow download for free. Only allow 1 time use of the numbers. Just a thought....
@Infinity_Gauntl do realize with the advent of wireless / blue tooth, pc gaming isn't restricted to a computer chair anymore, or a tiny screen.
As far as Win 8 goes, MAD_AI is right. think I'll wait with the NG consoles to drop in price before considering getting any of them. When the only "upgrades" are some ok hardware, diminishing exclusives, and more social networking options.
The only real exclusives Sony has are Killzone, Resistance, Uncharted, and GoW. While they are good don't get me wrong, but not worth it now days for only a few exclusives, in my opinion.
As far as M$ the only exclusives they really only have are Halo and Gears for exclusives.
When systems truly had a lineup of exclusives back in the day, that's when consoles where worth it. As more games become cross platform though, it's getting harder to justify even a few hundred bucks these days for just 2 - 3 exclusive titles per console.
Unless NG systems start getting more exclusive games, think I'll just stick to PC gaming, picking up Trip A titles half off digitally from sales, in the meantime on my 46'' from the comfort of my couch.
K1LLT3K's comments