It's been almost an entire year since the last time I submitted an entry on my blog here, but that isn't a bad thing here. What it really means is I have been so busy playing games that I haven't had the time to waste on pointless blogs that no one is going to read anyway. In fact, I'm beginning to believe this whole blogging thing on Gamespot is merely for the individual user's own posterity since people rarely comment on anyone's entries with the only exceptions being those users here that are extremely high ranking...which leads me to believe that many of those that comment there are merely doing so because kissing someone's butt sounded like a good idea to them. Pucker up and have fun!
Ok, so what have I been doing for the past year you say? Well, here we go:
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
Gears of War 2
LocoRoco 2
Nights: Journey of Dreams
Samba de Amigo
Halo 3
Mario Kart Wii
Mario Kart DS
Star Ocean: First Departure
Star Ocean: Second Evolution
Shadow of the Colossus
Jak and Daxter
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Tomb Raider Underworld
Ace Combat X
Resistance 2
Little Big Planet
...jeez this list is long and that isn't even the half of it!
The bottom line is this: it's been a wonderful year of playing games at my own pace and only playing games that I feel are worth spending my time on. This is exceptionally important considering how valuable my time is since I'm getting older and with every passing day, it seems my responsibilities increase and I have less time to devote to gaming or anything else recreational for that matter. Make no mistake...I am not complaining about it at all. I have just had to learn to weed out the games that are wasteful of my time, particularly those that are multiplayer-centric and waste so much time online you could easily fit in 6 more games in the same amount of time.
So...will it be another year before I return to blog again? Obviously no promises here, but I sure wish someone was interested in what I had to say...maybe even enough to give me a paid position writing a column or two, but we all know that would never happen, right? Maybe? Hopefully...?:D
Well, until the next time, have fun with your games and play what YOU like, not what everyone else says is good because let's face it...what you like may not be the same as what everyone else likes. March to the beat of your own drum...or whatever instrument of digital destruction you choose, and most of all, HAVE FUN DOING IT!