As one who doesn't purchase games with add-ons, it is easy for me to bash companies that make them available. The reason: My belief is that the games should be put out with that content already packed in instead of making gamers pay for the game over and over again. Is it because the games are rushed to the shelves and are not ready or is this strictly a money grab? Perhaps the software developers are trying to make up for mistakes by putting the content out later on, but it seems more likely that the latter is true. Is this an indictment on society today? Are we on the go so much that we don't have time for an involved game and require bite-size pieces to consume the experience? Are we being groomed in this direction by gaming companies or are they taking advantage of a propensity that is already there?
Perhaps the games still feel like a finished project and the add-ons are just a welcome addition, but it seems that a lot of games nowadays are completed in record the game one week and finish it the next.
I have my perspective but what is your take on the matter?