It has been a little over a month now and time for me to reflect on how I feel about joining the CCU. First off, let me say that it has been a great experience. Being among other gamers that feel as I do about collecting is something I have wanted to do for quite some time now. I have tried to start threads about game collecting in another forum but it seemed as though there was limited participation (Only one other member seems serious.). The Candid Collector's Union is lively and I have gotten valuable info from members in the process.......from members sharing their thoughts about games to the mention of Backloggery in the leaderboard threads (I hope that registration for that site will reopen soon.). It is difficult to put into a blog entry everything that I find positive about having joined. From day one, I have really felt at home there and I recommend that anyone who is serious about game collecting join up.
It is about time for the new leaderboard to go up. I can't wait to hit the stats! :D