Happy Forever Alone Day Gamespot!
by KHfanboy2 on Comments
Ahhh yes.... Valentine's Day... The day of love... The day where everypony gets their special somepony a fabulous gift and treats them with love and kindness... ... Oh wait... That's Hearts and Hooves Day... :| :P Oh well, pretty much the same basic principle... Only with humans!! :P Aaaaanyways... At least in Equestria I have a better chance of staying with my special somepony than in the real world... ... I think I'm straying from my point again :| I have ponies in my head today!! :P :| I honestly don't really understand why they made up a holiday to celebrate love. I mean, if you love somepo- err... I mean someone, you should love him/her/it everyday, right? I could just get off my lazy ass and get something from the store any time I wanted! Why the hell would I need a day to tell me to do something like that? I think it's bull**** to be honest... the so called "Day of Love" is becoming a piece of consumerist bull****.... If you really love someone, why don't you just do something that could last a life time? You could go out on a walk in the park... it's free and it'll help lose a few pounds... unless you're too damn lazy too... Why buy a box of chocolate? It'll only last a little bit before it's all gone... Maybe I'm just being bitter because I don't have a gf of my own... or maybe not... Interpret it the way you want... I couldn't give more of a ****... Anyways... Now that that's off my chest... Happy Forever Alone Day everyone! End blog