Alright peeps! It's that time of the year! Time to get out the stuffing and gravy and turkey and... my personal favorite... cranberry sauce! :D Also the pumpkin pie... with whipped cream on top! :o And egg nog! :shock: Yup folks! It's Thanksgiving! The time of the year where schoolchildren (like me) get out of school for break! Yippie! :D And it's also the time where we celebrate the days where our pilgrim friends came from England to settle on Plymouth Rock. So... Let's celebrate like the pilgrims did. Grab some turkey... sitting back... watching some football... Wait? Did they even have football back then? :P
And it's also my birthday on Sunday... so... Yay! :D 16 years old and still kicking ass. 8) :P So grab some cake too and wish me a happy birthday and get me some presents! *nudge nudge wink wink* :P I want a PS3! :o :D Pweese!? Pweeeeeeeese!? Pwwwwweeeeeeeeeesssssssseeeee!?!? *begs* :P
Ummm... Well... This is the point where I can't think of anything to post... sooooo... *hears a noise* What's that!? *a bird comes out of the bushes*
TURKEY!! *chases after the turkey* *catches the turkey and brings it to my house and cooks it*
So anyways... This is usually the time where I don't have anything to say. So... here's a list of my top 10 favorite Pokemon!
1. This one is pretty much between Pikachu, Dragonite and Rayquaza
2. Charizard
3. Blaziken
4. Garchomp
5. Giratina
6. Lucario
7. Groudon
8. Jirachi
9. Growlithe
10. Gyarados
Well.. That's it! Oh yeah and...
Join The Vipers Pit! Pweese? Pweeeeeese!? Ppppppwwwwwwweeeeeeeessssseee!?!? *begs*