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KMJRoche Blog

A Tragedy for a Gamer

The other day something very Tragic happened to me. I experienced one of the most terrible things that can happen to a gamer. My dad deleted all of my Knights of the Old Republic data. All that i played through and worked for, and my beloved Cob Vilma. gone. This game is an RPG, so it isn't as simple to play through agian, when there are millions of possibilities of what you can do. So this blog post is dedicated to My KOTOR saved data that was lost. may you Rest In Peace....:cry:

The Great Blog of KMJRoche

WOOOOO! Diablo III!!! I played Diablo 2 and 1, and they were really great. I hope that my PC can run it. If not, (most likely) then ill have to wait til i get a laptop (????? When the hell will I be able to get a laptop?????). Oh well, I hope they have old and new classes to play as, and cool envirements. I might start writing a blog whenever i can, or anything cool happens, or if anyone reads it. this is my first blog ever written, and I think I should start more, if anyone ever reads it, because I think of random things that the whole world should know about, and I have great ideas and opinions. so here. no pictures, I havent played with it yet. So I'm going to the Bronx today, to see my friends from when i used to live there. OK.