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ME2 was better even though i've spent 4 times as much time on Demon's Souls. Meaning to say 35 hours versus over 120 hours.

Ya, just because Demon's Souls has been out longer and to make significant progress you need to pour major hours into it.
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Demon's Souls was awesome...but when it comes down to it.the game is just another dark fantasy dungeon crawler...not to mention Kings Field was way superior.

Mass Effect 2,despite people's opinions on it being a true RPG or not. provided a better overall unique experience.

I guess you could dumb it down to that, but I thought it was the incredible depth, combat, enemy design, atmosphere, and then of course the extremely unique online features with co-op, PvP, leaving hints, and the bloodstains, as well as the fact that the game constantly autosaved so it provided a very immersive sense of everything you do being absolutely permanent, whether it be wasting a valuable item, dying, losing 400k souls, or being Soulsucked in PvP, as opposed to standard games in which you make a mistake, you can just reset the system and start over with all resources back. I dunno, it all struck me as cool, and I see it as why it's a step up from a similar game like King's Field (which probably aspired to be like Demon's Souls but simply couldn't due to technology limitations. The only flaw I ever found in Demon's Souls was an occasional drastic framerate drop, but it only occurred during huge explosions of fire and when the Blue Dragon moved. Outside that I found it to be a rather perfect game. Sorry I'm rambling, it's just I would love to go start my New Game + and just forget about my essay I'm writing right now :P.
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are senior citizens even qualified to use an RPG?

I don't think qualifications apply when you're not following the law in the first place :P. Also when you're not actually old just you look old because of side effects from cloning resulting in accelerated aging which leads to OH CHRIST I CAN'T GO ON THIS ****'S BANANAS! Sorry felt like saying that, new Zero Punctuation today so I felt the need for a quote.
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Demon's Souls, Chrono Trigger, and Pokemon Silver. If anyone DARES to diss Pokemon there will be severe consequences. I just got Chrono Cross in the mail, so I'll play that some time, it could take Pokemon's 3rd place spot.
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Eh, pretty close games graphically. As a bigger fan of the PS3 I actually have to admit Gears of War 2 looks a bit better than MGS4. Gears of War 2 does kinda hang with the best of them, even if it's inferior to Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, or God of War III, it's the best looking game on the 360 easily and if on the PS3 would still easily pass as one of the best looking games. So the fact tat it looks only a bit better than MGS4 is actually a compliment to MGS4. I came in here assuming this was a debate on quality, guess that was too much to hope for :P. Guess a debate like that is worthless anyway, very different games.
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Urge to kill...Rising....

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I personally liked Mass Effect 2- IMO, the storyline and characters were better developed :P However, I must admit, Demon's Souls combat system is cool too :D

Ya story wasn't Demon's Souls strong point. It had a lot of very very cool subtle things about the background, but the plot of the game added up to "Save the world/Boletaria by killing things." Not a big deal though, the role playing and combat was incredible. I actually just beat the game last weekend, very satisfied, and ab it scared to start uo New Game + for fear of having my ego ruined :P.
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I'm astounded that Demon's Souls is winning. Didn't think it quite has the popularity in it, not to mention the disadvantage of not being multiplat. Makes me happy though, good to see amazing innovative games get credit when due.
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[QUOTE="vincent380"] Is that sarcasm? -_-painguy1

I would hope not.

because his statement is true to me.

nope not sarcastic :P Super Mario freakin 64 man, Zelda OCARANIA OF TIME (and MM), 1080 FTW, Perfect freakin dark, conkers smexy fur day and goldeneye baby!!!!!!! thats all i needed, thats all i played, and thats all i cared for. lol sry i just had a flash back of how good gaming was back in the 90's compared to what we have now :lol:

The funny thing is the fact that we say this stuff.... but if we had a time machine and took, say, Uncharted 2 back to 1999 no one would dare to call it anything other than a perfect game. If we took Twilight Princess back in time and replaced Ocarina of Time with TP, it would be even MORE acclaimed. Gaming was much more fun back then though, guess I was just easier to please :P.
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Meh it's the same way it's been for a while. A lot of mainstream games out there that the hardcores look down and scoff "noobs" at. But last year we got some great, very hardcore games, my favorite of which is Demon's Souls. Quite a few RPGs coming out, particularly from Bioware with Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2. There's plenty hardcore to keep me happy. Hell, just because some games are becoming "noobish" like so many online shooters, they can still be fun. There's also a good bit of games on Wii contrary to popular belief that are very hardcore. I'll admit 70% of Wii games are targeted towards the casual, but the hardcore games are verrrrry hardcore, particularly Monster Hunter Tri.