This blog is a bit late, but I have been busy playing my Wii :P
I got it at launch, I had previously preordered it ar Spider-Man, but as my other blog explained they got less then they expected. So I decided to show up at Elkjøp where they didnt take preorderes, and came at 06:30 in the moprning and waitedn until they opened at 10:00.
I was number 21 in the que and after some hours of nervous waiting they said they had 30 in stock :D
So I got this note wich guaranteed mee my Wii when they opened:
And here is some of the people waiting with me, som,e of them had been there since midnight:
And here is my glorious Wii after I had opened it :D
I got Wii sport, Zelda and Rayman, and they are all amazing :D