I have just come back from my vacation. I spent 2 weeks in a lovely town in Spain called Lloertt de Mar, and 3 days in Barcelona, and I think I love Spain.
Lloret de Mar is a lovely old town in northern Spain, and has these amazing small and old-facionat streets, you could almost stretch you hands out and touch both side at once. The people there were great, and the weather was sunny everyday we were there (I got sunburnt two times that was not so great). My boyfriend and I went to the roof of our Hotel every day to lie in the sun and bathe in the pool. And went to bars everynight to party, great :D .
It was kind of a shock for me coming to Barcelona and be in a big city for the first time, Barcelona has more people in it then my country`s population put together (Norway). But I liked that too allot.
Now I cant wait to September when we are going again.
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