@BabeNewelll: Well no one ever makes it seem like a joke. They just come off as asshole elitists. Everyone knows console games are better on PC (most of the time) but the sales numbers sure don't reflect that. Sounds like master racists are part of the 1%. Makes sense. That being said I have a $1200 PC I hardly use because I prefer my PS4. I can't explain it, but I just prefer a dedicated gaming machine over "one machine that does everything". Come to think of it, sounds like the Xbox one and look how that turned out.
@gts-r288: That's because games of that caliber are expensive as hell to make and the sales of AAA games aren't nearly as high as consoles. PC is all about diversity. They have a little bit of everything imaginable, which rarely translates into incredible sales of one single game. There's always Star Citizen!
@gts-r288: MGSV took complete advantage of PC power and looks incredible. Also, Rise of the TR looks jaw-dropping on PC. You asked for one example, I gave two.
@sladakrobot: in the original Xenoblade Chronicles, the main character talks. In XCX, no. The blank slate character trope is my least favorite thing about that game. Terrible design choice.
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