@neoprime: Mass Effect is actually noticeably improved with BC. It doesn't run like a goddamn slideshow anymore. Not all games run the same. It's nice it exists tho.
@csward: I forgot about Blue Dragon! I've heard mixed opinions about it but I'd be willing to give that one a shot if they add it. Some people love it to death but the reviews say otherwise. Fan praise is often more accurate than an objective analysis.
@dani_i89: I have never said that until now and never really agreed with them either. The only exclusive I was hyped for last year was Uncharted 4 but look what happened there. Oh, and Bloodborne. 2016 looks incredible as long as nothing gets delayed into next year.
@putaspongeon: Honestly, I'd pay an extra $5 for a digital copy. Probably not more than that tho. And most people pay for PS+ because it's required for online and the free games are nice, though not as good as they used to be. 80% of my friends list subscribes because they all play online. No one gets the sub for the deals. That's nonsense unless you buy a TON of games.
@putaspongeon: Occasionally the digital versions have better deals, though it's more about the convenience of not having to wait for the disc in the mail, not having to put the disc in the system every time you wanna play something else, and lack of tax and shipping. If I'm going to have to install the whole game anyways, might as well have it digital. Putting a disc in the system is more of a formality nowadays. It's like PC games in the mid-90 to early 2000s.
@phoenix1289: you should have been at PSX when the audience erupted into applause when they got to the dialogue tree part of the Uncharted trailer. It's just a nice touch. I'm sure it won't be bothersome.
@homestar99: I think people say that because the story is non-essential to understand the witcher 3. The first 2 games have their own storylines and set up all the lore. Some characters make appearances in TW3, but I think the intentionally make TW3 more approachable for newcomers because they new the game was going to be a big deal and the first witcher game for most. It was for me. I just spend hours reading up stuff online before TW3 came out and I feel like I get the gist of the world.
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