@PinchySkree: yea because a $600 PS4 would have been a great sell! There's no way to emulate PS3 games so they would have had to put the hardware inside it like they did with the original PS3 and the ps2
@LordCrash88: It's stealth gameplay is near perfect... but Konami screwed over Kojima's storytelling. The story started off great and then snowballed into the weak second chapter. I'll admit it wasn't good, but it probably was going to be if Konami weren't a bunch of pricks and let him finish it. And I must say, for an upscaled PS3 game, damn does it look good! I'm just wondering how the hell they got it to run on PS3/X360 and not run like trash. It looks and animates better than most current-gen exclusives.
@olddadgamer: "He likes a game I hate! I'm going to make him feel like a piece of crap for having a different opinion!" -people who give the internet a bad name.
@LordCrash88: Yes, the hype was misplaced. Sure it's an amazing game, but it had too many unpolished aspects of the game. The graphics ranged from beautiful to ugly (which is a very weird dichotomy for a video game), the settlement mechanics were unfinished and just made me wish there was a Dark Cloud 3, and to top it off, they simplified the RPG elements. No stealth,science,laser weapons, speech, etc stats? Weak!! I still enjoyed it but not as much as I was expecting. It's placement on this list is fitting.
@girlusocrazy: Graphically, yes it was a slight downgrade, but all the extra content they packed in with it made it the definitive edition in my mind. At least until the Wii version came out.
@BH14: there are dozens of classic ps2 games that go for more than $15 online. Add on the fact that they are improved versions of the games and that's a steal.
KahnArtizt's comments