Kain696's's Gamespot Rank

Level: 13 (99%)
Rank: Toobin'
Points: 170721

Kain696's Emblems

  • Commercial Challenge 2004 / Ballot Puncher

    Your vote really DOES count. These discerning souls exercised their civic duty and rocked the vote in GameSpot's Commercial Challenge 2004. In doing so, they've sifted the commercial wheat from the chaff so that only the best and brightest remain. They've cast their votes for the good of all GameSpot... and they just happened to get entered into a fabulous sweepstakes in the process. What an amazing coincidence!

  • Readers' Choice 2004 Chooser

    People's choice representative. All those who participated in GameSpot's 2004 Readers' Choice Awards will share this emblem, and have their collective decisions immortalized in those scarce few games that they rightfully placed among gaming's greatest.

  • MK Scream It Contest

    MORTAAAAALLLLL KOMBAAAAAAAATTT! Those who voted for the best and the worst videos received an emblem for being vital contributors to the MKA Scream It Contest.