@Coco_pierrot @LindBergh2007 Sonic Generations, Total War series, PSO2, Football Manager, Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed, Bayonetta and Viking are all really good games.
@HonorOfGod @KalumAFC @Tiwill44 No, if it was called the Wii, then it would have the same name. I don't see Sony or Microsoft reinventing the wheel either. All of these "new features" exist in better forms on PC. That's why I'm sticking with a Wii U and PC. If I want to play the multi-platform games, I'll play them on PC. If I want to play exclusives, I'll stick to Nintendo (Zelda Wii U, Zelda WW HD, Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Smash 4 and more third party and 1st party titles that haven't been announced)
@HonorOfGod @Tiwill44 It has no competition as of yet, It's the only 8th generation Console available. And as Nintendo stated, Software sells hardware and Nintendo have always had the best exclusives. I don't expect the Wii U to outsell the PS4 or Xbox One. But I do expect it to turn a hefty profit for Nintendo.
@rIVAL_sWORD84 @LeBlancChien Wii U isn't cheap? It's something like £150 for a Wii U. Now, let's talk about exclusives for the Wii U shall we. Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Super Mario 3D World and an announced 3D Mario game, Zelda for Wii U, Zelda Windwaker HD, Wonderful 101, Sonic Lost World Wii U (Different than the 3DS version) Super Smash Bros. Wii U, ZombiU, Mario Kart 8, Lego City Undercover, SMT x Fire Emblem, X, Yarn Yoshi. Give me on Next-gen platform that has as much diversity as that in it's exclusives. PS4 exclusive list: Killzone shadow fall, Knack, Deepdown, Drive Club, The Order 1886 and Infamous. Not exactly a strong line-up, even Xbox One has it beat.
@Imperiacommando How can you not be a big fan of expanding the core gameplay for free? Look at Skyrim, you can sink 100 hours into that, 100% it. Then just convert the whole world into something entirely new free of charge.
Stuff like this is heart-breaking. Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Tomb Raider and Sleeping Dogs were all critically acclaimed. Yet they sell like atleast 1 million copies less than expected. And to everyone saying remake Final Fantasy VII, it'll cost far too much money and time to remake it. All the textures, sprites, animations etc would have to be redone. They would need to hire voice actors, they'd need to change quite a bit of dialogue, cutscenes would need redoing. It wouldn't be a simple remastering like FFX HD, it would literally be on the same scale as a reboot. I hope Square Enix can turn this around with Lightning Returns, Thief 4 and FFXIV: ARR.
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