Kamira12 / Member

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Kamira12 Blog

surely they cant stop at 4??

well after playing oblivion for 80 hours and getting every achievement possible for it (working on shivering isle ones). I feel my days at oblivion are coming close to the end. I feel its the best game ive played in a long while but it could be improved like the setting all seems to be the same they could vary it a bit more but otherwise i think its faultless. Im just wondering will there be a fifth i hope so but its been a little while since elder scotts IV and still no sign does anyone have any info????

The new pokemon...??

i dont have much background from pokemon, only played pokemon emerald (which i played for hours and hours :)), Pokemon yellow and pokemon blue. I did have a shot on pokemon diamond but it didnt really attract me but then i heard about pokemon plutonium is it worth buying???