I agree its a more appealing console, the main thing that put me off it when deciding on picking up a 360 or ps3 was the huge price difference. And I do intend to pick one up, but it will not be for another year atleast when they drop in price due to the new consoles. At least by then I will be able to try these "New" types of games out, but it will just be a shame if I do enjoy them and I wasnt able to support this type of game and its developers in their initial release.
if they really wanted more people to play this game they would have put it on more then 1 platform. Iv never played heavy rain, nor beyond. The only reason for that is I never bought a PS3 and I didnt see the point in buying one just for the few games which look interesting to me, 2 of which are the one i just mentioned. Really if your going to talk about wanting to broaden your audience to new things, you need to make the product available to more then just afew.
Kamuikankatsu's comments