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Kaonon-13 Blog

err... ok!

now... to get to what i have been doing... like i said i would... a few months ago... anyways I have been playing scIII... again, bought kh2... beat it... played on harder mode... beat it... now thats done... went back to playing castlevania symphony of the night, finally got myself a ds... been playing a whole bunch of lusternia (www.lusternia.com kickass rp, and awesome combat for a mud game if you can handle no graphics) and on the note away from gaming, i have been doing school, and for the next 3 days i will be away on band tour skipping the next 3 days of school... yay i get to sleep on some schools gym floor tomorrow... anyways, few teachers are getting on my nerves but i dont want to bore you with details like i always do, anyways who knows this time i may be back for longer this time, i wasnt really all that excited about gs last time i said i was coming around couldnt get my forum legs back, in a matter of speaking, anyways i will try and post in a few places to see if i can get em back this time if not we'll see what summer brings! Anyways thats my little update!

Well I am back... for a while

well here I am surprise! maybe not for long... but still for a while at least. well i am feeling wierd right now so I dont have time for a lengthy post to update you maybe tomorrow or the next day

sorry guys

well... i cant be on gs anymore and my aim was the problem for my computer so i disabled it. i still have my e-mail though feel free to reach me there!!! bye all!

this started out as a reply to my previous entry

yah i didnt tell yah guys about my teacher who was shot with a 12 gage shotgun in the 8th grade when his friends were drunk... he just mentioned something about dont worry if you hear wierd noises while he is walking around the class it is just this and he pulls off his leg!!! i was like wtf i was not expecting it!!! i will try not to sleep in his class but i am not very good with geography... i have to go to a football game tomorrow i dont want to but i am in band.... ugh yah i got to see my friend george!!! she was good yesterday and the day before that she threw up on the bus i was glad she wasnt sitting by me... one thing that sux is there is 2 lunches and i have like 1 friend in my lunch that i talk to alote.... i have like a million friends but... they are all in the other lunch!!!! ugh now i am bored.... i tied my hacky sack record today at lunch though at 104 it was great then my friend who holds the record in our school at 112 he stopped me there he took the hacky sack away!!! o yah there was a fight yesterday this sophmore got mad at this one senior and his 300 pound kid was tring to hold him back let me rephraze this the kid who is mad is like 120 pounds!!! he is pulling his friend along with him and he approaches this group of jrs. and seniors and they all jumped on him including one who threw up his crutches and jumped on top... i wanted to see it dang it but that wasnt at my lunch!!! my lunch sux.... yah we had to say this really really fast dodoesdidhavehashadisamarewaswerebebeenbeing mustmightmaycanshallwillcouldshouldwould... (had to seperate it for the browser thingy) all at once you try saying that within 2.31 seconds which my friend did i did it in 4 secs... yah alote has happend in 4 days

First Day of School!!! and stuff

well it was good for the most part a few of my teachers are crazy but i accepted that when i first saw them... i was almost put to sleep by one of my teachers and i am kinda tired now still it is alote dif than mid school 6 periods instead of 7 and block periods tues wed and thurs kinda wierd... o yah my union is back open yay!!! and stuff so yah

Lusternia Is Awesome!!!!

there is this awesome role playing site called lusternia and i am afraid i am hooked... i have gotten demohiei (hiei) and hellshredder (ed) into it to... it is awesome my name is shishi... eds name is muraza... and hiei's is mako... at anyrate it is a free roam online rpg and it is awesome... we are all in the ebonguard and it is great.... if you want to give it a try try it at www.lusternia.com/test if you want to view the website it is www.lusternia.com . i apologize for my inactivity for a while i tend to get too into things for a while... i am an igasho and i love it it is great they are strong with a bunch of advantages and they even recover health... if you give it a try and need some help ask me or your guild members join the ebonguard if you want me to help you out with stuff guild wise i have read everything on it i have access too... also if you do try go through the beginning tutorial it helps alote with stuff

some basic things to know...

  1. to talk to people in the room you are currently in you must type say in front of your message (example) say hi
  2. to talk to an individual person type tell then the persons name in front of the message (example) tell shishi hi
  3. to talk to the people in your guild you type gnt in front of your message (example) gnt hi
  4. to talk to people in your city you type ct in front of your message (example) ct hi
  5. to attack things when you dont have a weapon you type kick object or punch object (example) kick gnome or punch gnome
  6. to attack things with a weapon you type swing object or jab object (example) swing gnome or jab gnome
  7. you can attack twice in a row if you hold 2 weapons
  8. if you press the up arrow key on your computer you will go to the last thing you entered on lusternia (example) if you were holding 2 weapons and didnt want to type attack right after you just did you could press the up arrow key (easier example) swing gnome enter up arrow key enter
  9. to get a quick look around the room you are presently in press "ql"
  10. to get a look of everything in the room you are in presently press "L"

those are some basic things to know if you have questions about it or something i should add to this basic thing pm me or post here... ok that is all for now see yah around...

aarrg sooo busy...

i am soooooo busy i cannot send messages to friends just so busy talking on aim with ed and demohiei and the others...!!! my aim is on my profile add it and talk to me... i think my msn is their too... i will try and get some pms out daily if i have time...

101 friends yay and a couple new unions

hey again i now have 101 friends and i will be pming all my friends seperately soon!!! hopefully if i dont get busy. there are 2 new good unions i am involved in and officer in the starocean3 and kingdom hearts anime lounge. and the other is the Inuyasha vs Master chief union. great huh pm me if you want an invite or find them on my profile. both of the leaders are good friends TMackin(ivmc) and Ed (hellshredder) (so3khal) man that is a big abrieviation. at anyrate they are both new and cool

seems as though my union has died

well there is no progress within my union the big bang union. and i have no ideas on how to make it better. when i recieved the union from hellshredder it was in the process of dieing and now no activity at all. i wish i knew what to do. well i think i am going to redo the union somehow to make it better if anyone has an idea i would take it. i am desperate so to say if anyone has a suggestion it would be helpful and everyone who would join my union it would be greatly appriciated i would like it to attract more people and with no activity it is hard for that to happen. if anyone likes resident evil, final fantasy, dragon ball z, sonic... and knows anything about what is happening in the future with them or past, present it would be great if you would join i dont want just silly games in the union i want things about the games and or shows in it. i will be doing some research to help it out at all.

a role play site (look here if you like roleplaying)

This site is where i have gotten most of my characters for my story posted earlier in my journal and the characters it is sad that this story is a good story and the maker of the site probably spent alote of time on the story and poem and it hasnt had a post sence feb 12 if you need a reminder of the story it is


Far away and long ago
The Old World was made, and it was so,
With guardians of the elements five
To keep it peaceful and alive:
Fire, Water, Wind and Earth
Gave the world and all its birth.
But Spirit was as a child made,
And neglected, in the shadows stayed
Concealing within an evil plot
That none of their siblings would have thought.
And that lack of that thought was where one would find
A seed, planted in each Guardian’s mind.
A seed of envy, seed of hate
That acted as an unseen bait.
Guardians gave into lust,
Abandoning each other’s trust.
Disputes arose to fights, becoming wars
Feeding the ever-growing sores.
Brother fought against brother and friend against friend,
With neutrals losing hope of ever an end
When out of the sky came two beings of light
One made of the Sun, another of Night.
Each guardian they broke and sealed away
And sent them to Earth, so far away.
The guards became men and offspring made
While the guardian fragments dormant stayed.
One half within object, the other in child
Neither woke up, but stayed sleeping, unriled.
The Guardians’ followers did the same,
Conforming to Earth’s species, and gaining new name.
Dragon was lizard, Ents became trees
Werewolves were dogs, walking on knees.
Humans stayed men where ancestors within hide
Unaware of their past or just who lurked inside.
The Dark One and Light One married too
Passing down the story so their family knew.
The memories of all others the Two did clear
In hopes the catastrophe never again would appear.
Myth became all that was left of the story
Disguising all that was left of the incident’s glory.
Centuries later, the untrapped Spirit reappears
Picking up where they left after so many years.
Traits rise in kids of Old creatures and men…
Will the Guardians awaken? Reach the Old World again?
The decision is yours, dear traveler, here.
For if you choose wrong, you have much to fear…

~~The Story...~~
Thousands of years ago, five great substances emerged from a chaotic void and took humanlike forms, and together formed the Old World. These beings came to be known as its Guardians, and each took dominion over a certain element used in the world’s production.
There was fire, a tall, lanky male with red hair who acted hastily and was fast to anger, yet burned with passion in his heart; there was water, a cool curly blue-haired female who had eyes as deep as the seas themselves, and wore brooks as rings about her fingers, with a calm disposition that could also quickly turn into a raging storm; Earth, a thick male with brown hair covered in dirt and leaves, always having fruit of his labor about, who acted passively yet had fits of rage that lasted mere seconds, then passed on, and was benevolent to all; Wind, a silver haired female who was as wispy as the threads of air she wove, and just as easily could change emotions.
The fifth was immediately divided in half as soon as it was created, becoming twin children, one boy and one girl. Their element was spirit, but the happy beings they had momentarily been were soon changed to loneliness and hatred for their fellow Guardians. Neglected, they retreated into shadow and created a plan. Unsuspecting and unbalanced, the now four guardians continued to create obliviously until one day, water and fire began to fight over who was better. Soon after, the argument was joined by Earth, who demanded he should have more land , which would take away from water. Last to join was Wind, whom Water accused of helping Fire and stirring Earth.
The seed of envy planted in each Guardian’s mind by the Spirit twins grew and finally took the other Guardians over, throwing them into an all-out war. The Four each chose an advisor and called sides to aid them of the creatures they had created. A few wished not to fight, and stood by the wayside and were forced to watch while their fellow creatures and even humans took sides and brutally slaughtered each other. Brother murdered brother, friend against friend and Father versus son, without any thought except to win, and with it gain the favor of the Guardian whom they served. A few did this, receiving special personalized powers and weapons that corresponded with their characters, becoming the most noble and powerful beings of their element.
The neutrals cried as they watched the death toll rise and the beauty of the Old World become stained with crimson, killing everything and leaving naught behind…until the Great Eclipse came. The moon and sun faltered in their orbits and cataclysmically collided with each other, exploding and raining fragments of the heavenly bodies onto the earth. However, two tiny pieces remained where they were, and accumulated other pieces, finally glowing and taking the forms of two new beings, glowing with the faintness of the moon and the sun’s blinding rays: one Light One, and one Dark One. Gases released in the explosion were sent into the atmosphere of the earth, putting all into a deep sleep. Gathering all of the creatures, the two beings placed them all upon the planet Earth, billions of miles away from the Old World.
They broke each of the Guardians in half and sealed each half away, one in a human and the other in an object, scattering each piece and person to the four winds. Old World animals conformed to those of Earth, and everyone except the Two lost their memories with the Elemental object they had served, living in oblivion for years until today.
The Spirit Twins had disappeared at the explosion, and followed everyone to Earth, where they now are beginning to stir traits in descendants of the Old World beings…will they find themselves? Return to the Old World? Or is their current life too precious to waste…?

the credit goes to my cousins cousin

now if you want to join the site post it here the site maker isnt going to look at it again unless i talk to her telling her people want to join if that happens I will post a link to the site. please join it always gave me something to look forward to. because i always have liked to roleplay and this site gave a good story to base a roleplay on. again if you are interested please enter here. it would be most appriciated. if you are interested and want to help get more people feel free to post something like this post to get more people on gamespot interested my journal doesnt usually attract alote of people.

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