Ill tell you one thing that peaves me off VERY much. The entire Ostrava side time line event thing. I didnt have my friends DS guide until a couple days ago and because of that the entire Ostrava time line of events is destroyed and I will never have a chance to go back to it unless I start a new game (no chance at the moment as I am like 37+ hours in..) No Mausoleum (sp?)key,No King Doran and no flipping demonbrandt (sp?)for me...which is a...anger inducing situation :P
Clearly I did something wrong and he died somewhere in 1-2 because once I got to the part in 1-3 where you are suppose to rescue him from the 2 demons...he wasnt even there. Needless to say I was quite peeved because I didn't know you had to do all that xtra BS to keep him alive every single flippin time (didnt even know about the 1-2 part to be honest).
This has to be one of the most obscure things I have ever seen in a game the hell are you suppose to know all that ish bout him unless you have the guide?
That is my only complaint so far in 37+ hours of playing the game. It is simply amazing...reminds me of the good times I had playing that crack game called Diablo II and it's expansion :P.
Had my first black phantom invade my game the other day at around level....43?. It was quite epic. I did beat him down too ;)
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