This is goood news. I might have to go to futureshop and see if they will match bestbuys price. I, like yourself could use something to tide me over until GT5!
purple streamers instead of blood? No thanks. sure the gameplay will be fun and all but the fact that they took the blood out to lower the games rating in the pacific parts of the world is a joke. Complete sell out by TN if you ask me.
The gameplay might be good enough for me to buy it, butwithout any sort of blood and gore I won't be purchasing it when games likeOperation Flashpoint, Demon's souls, Uncharted 2, MW2 and Dragon Age are coming out.
Seriously, this is pansy arse ish right here. Don't give me BS bout the blood lagging the system too, that would just be outright BS. They took the blood out so Japanese and chinese stores would stock the game and thus sell more copies. Blue and purple streamers when I slice someone in half with my samurai swords? Rofl @ that
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