Karjah / Member

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Response to the G4 Jack Thompson interview.

Just saw the video  posted up on g4's website and had to respond.

topic at hand is video game violence.

adam was horrible to watch he  needs to just SHUT up and let mr. thompson say his entire point before responding.  Interupting your oponent during a debate is not only rude but it  makes you look very very bad.

What surprised me was when mark plainly put it.  "It's up to parents to watch and control what their kids are exposed to"

Jack: "That's not the issue here."

Then I have to ask if children being exposed to this and parents taking responsible roles in what their kids watch and play isn't the issue then what exactally is?

Making sure that no one under 18 buys bully?  there's already laws in  place for that to occur.  ones I personally agree with if you really want the game let a parent buy it. 

I  would like to thearby suggest that mr. Thompsons issue must then lie with this every being released in the first place.  At which point arn't we really talking about the right of free speach here? 

That's what bothers me most in this whole issue really is the lack of free  press issues.  People IMO have the right to put out whatever they wish to put out and enforce the ratings and let the parents decide.

that's what it all comes down to here.  It's  up to the parents to take an active role in their kids entertainment,.

Ignorane is what causes outcast or fusterated children which in turn will breed violent people.

Case in point.