I've been playing games for a long time. I remember when 16-bit games were the new thing, and I watched the rise and then fall of arcade gaming in America. I remember when playing at home with more than two people at once was a revolution. I remember when gaming in a huge group consisted of four Xbox Systems hooked up in four different rooms with a private network as we all played on split-screens and yelled at each other across the house. And now I have fond memories of playing online as well as offline in different aspects.
For me, gaming is not just a solo experience. I mean, I do have those games where I get sucked in and play them on my own, but I really enjoy games where I can play with friends, and I especially like games where I can play with friends in the same room. I enjoy split-screen stuff, and I enjoy online stuff. A lot of times, I wish that games would implement doing both at once a little better. But not all games can be Halo, I guess.
Recently, (about a week ago, I guess), the most recent MAG beta ended. I have to say that I am amazingly impressed. I'm really excited for this game. I don't think there have been too many other games that have so deftly captured the utilization of teamwork in a game, even in games like SOCOM. MAG is seriously in a class of it's own.
Now, for those of you who don't like it, I can sympathize. After playing Modern Warfare 1, and recently 2, this game was a little hard for me to wrap my head around. You see, those games are really more about the solo game, even in multiplayer. It's not about the team, it's about scoring your own points. In Modern Warfare, you run around, maybe camp in a good spot, and try to get as many kills as you can. But MAG isn't that game.
MAG is a slower-paced game where you really have to help your team in order to succeed. If you're looking to be the triumphant hero by blazing a swath of destruction, this isn't your game. Instead, it's about finding your role, and doing it. Not everyone is a front-line soldier. I know that I'm not. I tried my hand a sniping, and though I'm alright, I'm not the best at it. Instead, I've found that I'm an excellent Support and Medical Soldier.
In the beta, the goal was simply either to capture objectives, or to defend objectives. In order to do that, you had to keep your squad alive. While I would sometimes get kills, most often I would simply run up with a Medical Kit and revive people around me, keeping them alive and healthy. There were several games where I would get perhaps two or three kills, but 20+ revives, and I really felt like I was contributing, because the soldiers around me could keep on fighting.
When there were others contributing, I had MAG groups that were simply unstoppable, because everyone was looking out for each other. One soldier would fall, and there would be two there to revive him, heal him up, and repair whatever damage allowed someone to get a shot at him. We would hold our bunkers, hold our ground, and fight hard, because we each knew that someone had our back if something started going sour.
Now, of course, I've played MAG sessions where the opposite is true, and everyone seemed to just be looking out for themselves. It fell apart, and we lost that session horribly. I continued to try to support my teammates, but with no one else looking out for each other, it just became a mess of everyone dying, no one repairing, and no one reviving one another, and the other side just slaughtered us. But even then, as those of us with headsets discussed the game, we realized, for the most part, what went wrong. The lack of teamwork killed us, and we all knew it.
It's a very different crowd though, between MAG and MW2. When I went back into Modern Warfare last night, I was disappointed to realize that the sense of camaradarie was replaced by straight-up anger at one another. Frustration turned into all-out hatred, and soon the racial slurs and sexual epithets started to fly, and I just listened in perverse fascination at the sheer contrast.
How could two games, which on the surface seem so similar, produce such diverse reactions? I think it's just the nature of the design. MAG is focused on teamwork. You can't just muscle your way. You can't just camp in one spot and expect it all to work out for your benefit. The maps are just too big, and there's just too many ways to approach. You need help. You need your teammates.
On the flipside, a MW2 master can just walk his way through the opposition, building up a Killstreak of 10-15 with relative ease if they're good enough. The game is all about showing off how badass you are, how much you can dominate your opponent. And because of that, it's all about the glory of one, and not the glory of your team.
I'll be buying MAG as soon as it comes out, because of that difference. I want to support a game that focuses on putting emphasis toward working together. I don't think that there are enough of them. While Co-Op is on the rise, I think that MAG is on a completely different level. It's in a class of it's own.
I like to play games, but more importantly, I like to play games withmy friends, not just against them. This is a game that will let me do that.
See you guys on the front lines.
- K
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