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Karsha2 Blog

Im back 2-The revenge!!!

:oExams are over,i took a week of vacation and now im back as promisedI did good at them,now ill wait for the final result but i know i did it good so im not afraid of it:PAnyway,let's start the blog:twisted:

I was for vacation at a city with a beach ,i had a great time.Obviosly i didn't care about the beach,the thing that made me melt were the hot girls in bikini:twisted:They were so awesome(obiviosly the place had boys but my eyes see only girls :lol: ).I couldn't get them thought cause i have still the evil gf that beats me:(.To console myself i bought this awesome pillow

Isn't that nice:D:P

Soon ill start my union as promised,but til than you might want to join the fighters elite union(about fighting games),kyoku dai(about japanese music and all that evil stuff:P),the forbiden union(about...boh:|its funny:lol: ) and blase of glory(a very good one,i think its general).Oh ya,this kiss is for Dana and Leena since they both aren't anymore on GS but they are great girls

FE do me a new banner!!!!:twisted:

That's all for now:D

Goodnight and goodfight

Stay beautiful:|

The good,the bad and the perv :/

Well here it is my new blog,in less than one month this time:|.I did it now cause exams beggin soon and ill not have time to  write a blog in a month or 2 so better do it now.So,without waiting let's start:twisted:


Im doing good,but for some reasons 5 of my friends in GS left:.Well 4 and half since Crimsoni said he will return:lol:GS is becoming boring those days,the union are inactive and no one blogs so i check it only for 1-2 hours in a day>_>.I hope not to see another " Im leaving GS" after this blog.

I got an online game called Albatross 18,the game is free so u can download it and play with me;)A girl tried to tease me in the game:|But i remembered my evil gf(sorry hon) and so i logged of:P You can't even play at peace now:cry:

Well i updated my second video,check it im sure you will like it:lol: 



What else to say: Peach found a new bf,congrats to her. Dana i hope you are doing well,get online sometimes i want to be bothered:evil::PToony12....dont post in this blog>__>

Oh yeah,if you like fighting games join Stripeknight union,its a good place;) My union will be ready in a month:D

Thats all for this blog:twisted:

Goodnight and goodfight


Stay beautiful

[spoiler] [/spoiler]

Da new blog ^_^

Here I am again writing a new blog :D(not for you this time).Dont worry it will be a short one:P.I hope everyone is good and thanks again for the pm's you send me;)So let's start now:twisted:

It was my bday 2 days before(and no one from here said happy bday to me :evil: (exept Dana and Peach on msn(and my gf too obviosly ))so ill take my revenge).I got only some money and a nice surprise from my GF ,it was nice thought,i met a friend that i havent seen for 12 years too.I had a great time.

Now the college :roll: .Soon ill start the final exams and im too stressed:? Can't wait to finish them:twisted:.I also need a new banner so if someone want to make me one ill give him/her the credits in my next blog:twisted:. 

Nothing for the wrestling fans,but ill give you more space in my next blog. I also uploaded my first video too!!!Its very nice so please recomend it :twisted:


Im also thinking of creating an union,that's why i need some trusted friends that post and that dont spam.If someone is interested tell me;)

That's all for nowIll make a new blog soon

Goodnight and goodfight


Stay beautiful:twisted:

Omg Omg karsha2 did a new blog :P

Hello my friends(-_-),im here again to write a new blog for you(yaya):twisted:.Its been a lot of month that i havent wrote one,and thanks to everyone that asked for it:PYou all are not gonna be disapointed:twisted:.Thanks for not sending me union invites;).The only unions that i i care about are guys and girls,the blase of glory and Sen's union(kyoko dai ,smth like that(change name sen!!!:P))Now lets start 8)

Im doing great at college,and soon i have the finall exams thats why i havent been a lot around:P.The six girls asked me to go to their home but i didnt accepted,cause my gf is 180 cm(5.9 in american measure)and she can practically kill me :roll::P

Thanks to everyone who talked to me on msn,i really appreciate when you bother me;):twisted:I LOVE YOU ALL:D(i dont,just to get some posts:twisted: ):P.For the wrestling fans here its a move:P

Other things to say: Congrats to loic for getting a new sis,thanks peach for helping on the 1oo people on msn stuff:|,the user ander the nick -Dana- is a great persson,hope that sen will get better soon;),my heart is beatin,my hands are shacking,but im still shooting:|:twisted:
EDIT: Thank to fireemblems for the new beautiful perv banner,he is ufficially my banner maker;):P

I guess this is all for this time,see you all next time:twisted:

Goodnight and goodfight:|

Stay beautiful:twisted:

[spoiler] a surprise for you all:twisted: [/spoiler]

It's real,It's damn real!!!

Hello everyone!!!I kept my promise and here I am to write a new blog for you:D.Before starting i want to say this: PLEASE DONT SEND ME ANY UNION INVITATION WITHOUT ASKING ME FIRST!!!I quited 80% of my unions so please all the leaders to forggive me(especialy the leaders of the unions that i was an officer).Now let's start:twisted:

I have some new neightbor now.They are six girls,i mean SIX GIRLS that lives alone.I don't know how im keeping myself :twisted:.This is the dream of everyone:twisted::P

As for the GS part ....meh nothing new,the same old things.TGS was great but still something missed.If someone could do me a favore i need a link to see the trailer of the Capitan Tsubase game presented by namco-bandai.

Now at the wrestling part:twisted:.As you can see from the title i want to say something about Kurt Angle.First of all im a wwe mark since i was 4.So please understand my comment in the right way.Before leaving Kurt said that he will return as soon as his body would become better and that he would be pleasured to take a coffee with Vince:|.Than he signed with TNA and said all those bad things about the wwe.Meh i dont have a lot to say.I can understand him but still i have to say this Kurt Angle...YOU SUCK:twisted:.But in the end we are all done like that


Goodbye Doctors:|

Stay beautiful:twisted:


Hehe what a title:D.Hello everyone ,Im here again writing a new blog for you:twisted:.TGS is end and they were a lot of surprises from young Snake too the missing Tekken6 :|.But i wil not talk about it,if you want to know my opinion you can ask for it in the forums,in msn or by pm.So let's start now :D

I have open a new site with one of my best friend.The site it's not in english so im not going to give the link buy i will post some of the photos that there are there here:D.This was the first photo that i have done for the sit.It was a birthday party:|.
Take a look at the face of that guy...He seems happy :P :twisted:.
I will post other pics as soon as i can:P

There isnt anything new here on gs.The same I love you blogs the same Im leaving Gs blogs the same psp haters guy ect.There are people who mades interesant blogs like Sen makuro ect but still the "other" part is stronger:twisted:.Im leaving now since i will make a new blog very soon(in 3 days or max4)

Oh yeah the wrestlings fan...This is for you,the king of kings in action
Goodbye Doctors :|

Stay beautiful

Time for my new blog :D

Hello my dear friends,Im here again to write a new blog for you(ya ya).It's been time since my last blog so before starting i would like to thanks Fireemblem for my new beautiful banner(the hot girl :twisted: )and the now-dead Juxhe1:twisted: for making me a new sig(you can see it in forums cause im too lazy to post it here:D ).Now let's start:

GS is becoming weird every day that pass.The jai...i mean the school has consumet the brain of a lot of people here and the blogs like"I love you" and the now famose "Im leaving GS"are increasing in number every day.Oh yeah i forggot about"Do you like my new banner"blog but i can understand them(in some ways:D).

Im searching for a new job now cause i cant continue anymore with the one that i have.I mean school in the morning,some hours to study(im an A student strange huh?)two hours sleep and than i go to work.After work to the school and so on :|

But anyway now its the moment of the"PSP hater guy".Who is he?I dont know but when GS post a news about a new game that is comming for PSP this guy post:Finally a good reason for me to bye a psp.And its been two years that he posts this comment over and over again:|.And i dont think that he will ever get a psp:shock:

Mhhhh what else???Oh i forggot this is for the wrestlings fan

P.S Im making a song:twisted:

Stay beautiful!

And now the moment you all have been waiting for...

...I'M BACK :D:D:D.I have posted in your blogs those days with my only 2 hours internet in a day.I have had a great holiday but now let's return on the blog(about the holidays i will talk in my next blog)

Well after the"I love you"blog,after the"Do you like my drawing"and"i have made a new banner" the next mode here on GS is the"Im leaving gamespot "blog.No seriosly guy do you think that leaving a videogame site is something great???At least say i "i will not post a lot cause the school" or "my pc is infected" but leaving a VIDEOGAMES site its not the best title:twisted:

I was tracked back by someone today and i was really surprised :shock:.I dont know what in this univers has happened that made her track me back but im happy(or not???)

What else?Hulk Hogan won,Hudson destroyed a classic like Bomberman,the Leipzig show was more like"The eoropian nintendo party show"(i was there)Donald Trump fired his assistance and i have met the most beautiful girl in this world(this is another sad story :cry: ).This is all for now

Stay beautiful!


This is my last blog for this month.I will return in 1 September.I know that u all are crying now,but even i have the right to take some holidays:D.

My girlfriend(Jessica Alba:D)is making a new banner for me so i will put it when i will return.It's a banner with evil guys such as Geese,Raol,Bison ect.

Now i have played 8000 games in all my life.Next target is 10000(hope that the ps3 will play copy games:D)

This is all.See you soon :twisted:

P.S A lot of people are dieing those days.Let's say a pray for them

New post after all this time :D

It'a been a wile since my last post so i'm here for u once again.Thanks to all the people that has talked to me in msn.

Now my arm is fine and i finally can play videogames again(i can go even to work but this is not a good thing :D).i have been acused that i'm a stalker(i don't even know what a stalker is but i think that it's not something good).So if he want to say that i'm a stalker again please contact me and don't say those things were i'm not there.

My best friend has had a son and he called him...........AREND :d so now i have to go to my country to visit him(i will part in 14 of this month just in time for the tekken tournament :D)

This is all for now.Thank u for reading this

P.S What's the best hentai at the moment???(i know i know :D)

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