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New Horizons

Mood: Calm, relaxed

The day before yesterday (I think) I recieved Dawn of War, plus Winter Assault, and Battle for Middle Earth II. So far I'm not finding any, if not few problems with either.

As for Battle for Middle Earth: it seems too much like the origional. Sure, the battlegrounds are different, and so are the interfaces. I get the same feeling I got once I played the origional that I am getting whilst playing the sequal. Not that this is a bad thing, not at all. The ability to place your base anywhere you please is a welcome addition; you can choose how many turrets can defend your camp and where, not being restricted to the lack of build plots. Another thing that helps greatly is EA getting the right to use the books, and not just the movies. I've never read the books, excluding the Hobbit, but even so, I can tell that if they weren't able to, this game would be extremely meh due to the origional and their similarites.


Dawn of war... Wow... Just the name gets a lot of my attention. I don't feel I need to explain the l33tness of this game... It just is. Even though people don't like the campagn for how short it is, I see it as a great story, and greatly helps in my understanding of the DoW universe. Skirmishes? Put them on normal or hard... Otherwise the NPCs are embarrisingly bad.

Dawn of War: Winter Assault is a pretty welcome addition to the story, I feel. It's the same as the first game, but with a new faction, and the feel of it is perfectly in tune with those of the other factions (I mean by being unique and origional) that you would be supprised to find that they were not in the first game. I've yet to play the campagn... I'll be sure to post what I feel (if I feel like it) about the campagn once I finish it. Online multiplayer can be some fun and some horror. As a n00bi3, you shall be pummeled with spam, profanity, and orks, for there are a lot of people who like to gank/swamp (for those of you who don't know what this is, it means building up a large, quick army, and rushing your opponents before they can get their defences up to repel it) and it's rather annoying to me. The gankers, I mean. I see it as a good sport, but I feel it shouldn't be used in normal matches (just as common curtasy). But as for the ranking, you actually get a feel that you -must- improve your skill if you are to be respected in the game. It gives the true feel that you have your own army, and you are your own commander.

5/5 (for both)

Well, that's all I have for now. I may or may not have something new soon, depending on how well the campagn goes. Lets hope, ne?

- Kohta