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About me!

Hey everyone! Me again. I figured that if anyones gonna ever read this blog, they should prob know somethin about me. My real name is Devin and I'm a sophomore in high school. I've been playin vid games since I was old enough to hold a controller =). My first ever system was a sega genesis and i worked up my skillz since then. I got one brother and hes always about as good as me at pretty much any game (hes probably better than me at halo now cuz i havent played in so long x_x) so i can always practice against him if i need. Well, my genesis is long gone now but i have all 4 current gen systems (yes four u sega hating gamers out there) the xbox, gamecube, ps2, and the dreamcast. My favorite genre is by far RPG's (long live Grandia!) but i will play pretty much anything except sports games (excluding NHL hitz cuz thats always entertaining =D). I also luv anime of all kind. Many people in the anime world HATE english dubs but I dont really mind them that much. I just like w/e i hear first. My favorite show of all time is probably... Yu yu hakusho cuz that was the show that brought me into the internet anime community. Well i figure thats enough 4 now. Peace out everyone!

P.S. just cuz i luv anime doesnt mean im gay and doesnt mean i like dbz. DBZ sux. peace.