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am i a horrible person?

So at school today, I got a b-day invitation from... well ill be blunt. One of the ugliest girls in our grade. Anyway, of course im not going but at first i decided to be nice and just say im going somewhere else that day WITH MY GIRLFRIEND (<--- i figure that would get her off my back for a while =P) but instead I ended up finding another really ugly girl (now that i think about it they look pretty much identical... ewww....) and giving her the invitation saying the first girl asked me to give it to her. Well much to my disbelief, the second girl believed it and me and my friends had a good long laugh about it. Now im kinda wondering if she is actually going to go... that would be hilarious and make me feel really bad at teh same time. hmmm... Well i suppose it was uber funny so w/e.

On to video games, I just added a whole bunch of incredible looking games to my tracking list so you should check it out and see if theres any you havent seen yet. Their all hopefully gonna be kickass. BTW im gonna be gone all this weekend so im not gonna be answering any msgs or postin anything on this blog for a little while. Msg me with any updates that happen this weekend (im gonna be totally cut off from the rest of the world but at an awesome place) so that i dont get too out of the loop. K peace out all.