So yay! After yesterday's (somewhat) serious post. Now i have another random stuff post!! yay!!
I walked downstairs this morning at 9:10 because of WASL testing (basically our state test thing that only sophmores do to graduate) which was hella tight to begin with and i see a package from Barnes and Noble for me! YAY it's my Path's of Darkness book i got for free from a barnes and noble gift card!! WOOT!!! 1166 pages of R.A. Salvatore and Drizzt greatness! If you haven't heard of Drizzt then not only are u missing out on some of the best fantasy reading out there, but you also obviously haven't played Dark Alliance 2 which has Drizzt as a secret character in it! Drizzt is a dark elf, in the forgotten realms world, dreamt up by master author (IMO) R.A. Salvatore. He forsakes his evil heritage to go and live on the surface with the good races (humans, light elves, dwarves and other such things) in the land of Icewind Dale. Now that i think about it, they also made a game of Icewind Dale which is entirely about Drizzt and his first adventure. Anyway, they have i believe 5 book series written about Drizzt so far and they are coming out with a 6th which makes him one of the most popular Forgotten Realms characters! woot! Path's of Darkness is his 4th quadrilogy so i'm excited to read it. I highly recommend any of Drizzt's books if u like fantasy novels.
So off of drizzt and much more pertinent to you all, I finally decided to reinstall Xfire (since i lost it when i got my new comp and never really installed it) basically due to the pushing of PCslacker. My sn is still Katosepe321 so send me an invite if you've got it, and if u don't, install it and then send me an invite! BTW i know some people sent me invites but for some reason, when i accepted it, it didn't work so if you could resend it, that would be awesome! K peace everyone!