In an effort to get back into my normal summer sleep schedule, i decided i'm not goin to sleep till at least 1 o clock which is a big effort since i got up at about 7 this morning X_x. Anyway, I watched the movie Black Christmas to keep from sleeping... Needless to say, it worked. Nasty, nasty movie. I thought that 28 Weeks Later was one of the nastiest movies i've ever seen (the whole... umm... shove in the eyes thing... *shudders*) but this beats it by far. The killer in the movie has an interesting fetish for... eyeballs... Namely, he pulls them out and eats them while his victims are still alive. Yeah... not a pleasant scene. Anyway, definitely not for the weak of heart. Otherwise, very creepy movie. Not the scariest ever but definitely will keep you on the edge of your seat. I give it an 8/10. Peace everyone!
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