So, I ended up, yesterday, watching a LOT of the show Bones. If you've never seen it, it's probably the best crime show on TV IMO. It's basically CSI with more interesting characters and more emphasis on the body rather than the crime scene as a whole. Very interesting stuff, great cases and a very welcome lack of sexual weirdness in the crimes. Anyway, it's a great show and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes a good mystery. Also, you don't have to start from the beginning of the series to understand what's going on, but there may be a few things you'll have to pick up along the way. It's not too complicated though.
So today is either gonna be filled with more Bones or The Witcher, which i've been finally playing through (good thing i waited cuz of the Enhanced Edition patch). Still pretty emotionally drained so i'm not going to classes today and i'm just gonna chill here for today. Im okay though, just recovering i guess. Peace friends!
Currently Listening To: Don't Fear The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult - 1976