Oh yeah! I finally got my first 2 emblems. Good TasteĀ and Tagger Flirt. WOOT!!! I knew that spending that hour making random tags would pay off. So anyway, I just saw Advent Children last night (despite that fact that i've had it for about a year...) in Japanese and decided that it is freaking amazing. Best fighting of any anime ever created. unfortunately the storyline sux. I couldnt follow any of it except that theres a disease taht sux. It's pretty important to play through the game first for anyone who has been considering seein it who hasnt playd the game. K well, lost experience clue time!
We left off yesterday with the exec bios right? well now we're goin to go into the wide wide web beyond the Hanso's site to find some other clues. If you check the source code (this will be a common clue throughout TLE) then you will see a link to a site www.djdan.am. Well, lets check it out then shall we. No ones really sure how important DJ Dan is to the story but he seems to be gettin tips from Persephone and who knows, maybe despite all his elvis sightings and JFK theories, he's actually got something about the Hanso. I recommend you skim through the website first and then check out the podcast page. Listen to the 5/16 cast and you will notice that the notice says next podcast is 6/1. Well from this post, thats tomorrow. If you just found the site from this blog, then you missed out on the podcast that came out 5/26. After you listen to the 5/16 cast, look down at the pictures at the bottom. On the one with the army hat you will see a faint message that says Code: Persephone. This picture is also linked to www.sublymonal.com. If you've been here before, you will know that its kinda a messed up site that flashes codes at you randomly that you type in and can get a funny movie. Well instead of typing in the so-far stupid pointless codes, type in Persephone. You will see some text flash and will here a summed up story of Persephone the legend. The password will be on the tail of the plane picture that is flashing around the textbox. For those of you with bad eyes, the password is 108. You will go to a blank page and will hear the 5/26 podcast for DJ Dan. Pretty cool huh. Well now im taking you to a completely different place which is much more involved with the show LOST. go to www.oceanic-air.com yup its the homepage for oceanic airlines with flight 815 already programmed in. Note the number of passengers at the bottom. Pretty funny huh? Well theres a couple of things you can do before you check the flight itself. On the yellow message to the side, move your mouse around the second paragraph. eventually a message will pop up underneath the text on the yellow box. Highlight it to make the message clear. Kinda cool. Now go over the flight search thing and hit search. You will be taken to the seating chart for flight 815. Click on row F seat numbers, 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 then go one row down and click seat 42. For each number a different square will turn green (or red sometimes) click on the squares to see things about your favorite characters. keep clicking until the square goes back to normal. now click on the pre-flight check in button to see a small clip with walt and michael. Finally go down to the column numbers and click on 4 8 15 16 23 42 in a row and you will see a preview of Lost season 2. Now for the part that involves TLE. Go to the source code again and you will see a message from a guy trapped on an island in the south pacific. Its currently unknown who the guy is or what purpose he plays in the LE. maybe he's on the lostaways island or maybe not and either way, how did he manage to hack oceanic airs website? Many questions, not too many answers. The way lost usually works huh. Well thats all for today. Thank you and Namaste.