So yesterday, I got a VERY welcome call from the techie office here on campus. They told me I have an interview on thursday for a job as an RTA. If you don't know, an RTA is basically tech support for dorm rooms. Normally they are hired at the beginning of each year but over the winter break, the RTA at one of the dorms left school so they had an opening. I applied the second i heard of the job. If I get it, I get to move out of my dorm into a single room which i get for free along with free food and internet for the semester. In my opinion, it's the best job i could get on campus. Now, I haven't got the job yet but i have an interview which means they are at least interested. I'm hoping that the short notice for applicants and the middle of the year change will work in my favor.
Other than that, I watched a little more Bones and played more of the Witcher and now i plan on doing the same. Just so you know too, I've had a couple CD's by Disturbed for quite a while but have just recently gotten really into them, so it's quite possible that for the next few days i'll list disturbed songs. Just warning you in advance lol. Peace friends!
Currently Listening To: Perfect Insanity - Disturbed - 2008