hey homies and anyone else readin this, this is the one and only Katosepe. Odd how i've been using comps and the net for pretty much my entire life but i've nvr posted a blog b4... hmm... well anywho, on monday, i broke my arm which has made playin games a helluva lot harder than usual but i'm managin. Just started up Wind Waker again (played it b4 for about an hour and got bored =/). I still say it's pretty repetitive but its pretty fun. i figure i'll at least finish the story b4 i come to a final verdict on what i think of it. Oh yeah, one last thing, for anyone who hasnt gotten or hasnt heard of gamefly, you should rly check it out. i just got it and its awesome. for u who dont kno, its like netflix 4 video games. pretty cool. k peace out dawgs.
*edited 5/8/06* P.S. for anyone whos wondering, I dont have the 360 xbox live so my gamercard has nothing on it =/.