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Flash finally works again!

So I may have mentioned once or twice that videos haven't been working lately on this site or youtube on this comp. I don't remember. But anyway, just wanted to say i finally figured out what was wrong! So what happened was that none of the videos would load and it would tell me Flash wasn't installed on my comp. So i'd go to the main Flash site and install it but then the thing would shut down and nothing would work still.

I was living with it for the most part but yesterday i was updating all my anti-spyware stuff (i was doing everything i could to get my comp as fast as possible) and i found out that my program Spyware Blaster has a default system that blocks Flash in IE. So i unchecked it and lo and behold! everything works again! WOOT!! so now i can watch videos and everything again. woot.

In other news, my grandma's doing really bad. she's had Multiple Myeloma (a form of back cancer) for about 15 years which is an insanely long time but now she's really going downhill. She's actually in the E.R. as I type this. So if you could pray for her or whatever, i would really appreciate it. Also, I started listening to a band called The Academy Is... and I really like them so far. I also got Cold and Colors by Cross Fade based on Tails_Prowers top 5 list and i really like them too.

Okay so, i said this blog would be a top 10 right? Well, i lied. I actually wrote a top 10 movie list but it's not working right now and i don't want to have to retype everything right now. Next blog post will hopefully be part 1 of my top 10 video games. peace everyone!