Well, as some of you may or may not know, I did a preview earlier for Overlord and I felt kind of mixed about it. I wasn't sure if it was gonna be good or bad and it seems my instincts proved true. Overlord has been released and got a... 7.5... well that sux... I was hoping they would make it amazing since it did seem to have potential. Oh well. At least it's not as disappointing as Brute Force (not like anything could beat that...).
Inother more positive news, .hack//G.U. 3 looks great!... except it's still gonna get awful ratings... oh well. When .hack//G.U is released i can finally start playing them! I decided i wasn't gonna play any of the GU games until they all come out cuz I HATE WAITING!!! and since i would have been waiting about 2 years if i had played the first one, i would have had a really bad two years lol.
Also, not related to games at all, a friend of mine sent me a link to watch Saiyuki so i'm gonna do that now. Peace!