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Heroes RECAP!!!

Hey guys! Just a recap of last night's heroes episode today and my updated theories. First off, nobodies been posting anything on my board... MacRuckus is still the only poster on there. T_T. I'm gonna cry everytime i check it and see no ones posted anything so if u don't want to see me crying then post something! (not really just check it out)

So, on with Heroes.


So, I think there were three major things that happened. Their names are Lindermann, D.L., and Ted. Namely, they're all dead. A couple other major things, Nathan has been elected into congress (big surprise there :P) and Sylar has taken Ted's power of radioactivity. Obviously there are other things that happened but i'm gonna stick to these things for right now. Nathan getting elected was no surprise to anyone basically cuz Lindermann promised that a long time ago and despite his obvious insanity, he doesn't seem the kind of guy that would lie about something like that. But this does mean that history is still on track with what Hiro and Ando saw. However, one major thing has happened tho. Instead of Peter exploding when he first met Ted, now Sylar is the one that explodes. The only way i can see this changing is if somehow, Peter loses control of that ability because of Sylar. As that's pretty doubtful, Sylar is basically the one doing the kabooming now. As i can't see how this would make too much of a difference on the future other than Peter not having his extreme sense of guilt, it still will end up pretty bad for everyone if things keep going they way they are. Now lets move on to the deaths. D.L. wasn't much of a surprise since in the future, Nikki was dating Peter. So we knew something had to have happened to D.L. at the very least they broke up, but that didn't seem likely as they probably would have had him somewhere if it had been just that cuz he is still a hero. Anyway, this was probably the best scene of the whole episode, before D.L. died, he reached into Lindermann's head and killed him. I have to say, the special effects on Lindermann's eyes were freakin awesome. Anyway, as Lindermann seemed to be gone in the future too, i'm pretty sure that this was the way it was meant to happen. So that's all the same, Ted's dead but he didn't seem to play a part either. No matter what twists we look at, nothing seems to have changed huh. Well, lets move on to some of the other things that happened. Hiro met his dad again who knew he had power all along AND used to be a hero himself. Seems like he's not the self-centered a** everyone thought he was. So Hiro met with his dad at the sword shop and taught Hiro how to use a sword for real so that he could fight Sylar. Now Hiro seems to be the most powerful of them all. not only can he stop time, he can use a sword for realz. That's pretty cool. Unfortunately, Ando thought that Hiro would give up the fight and go home with his Dad so Ando bought a sword and is going after Sylar himself. That is not a good sign. Personally, Hiro and Ando are my fav characters for their comedic relief. As i'm an anime fan, subtitles don't bother me at all. Everyone knows that theres no way that Ando can kill Sylar. he has no special ability and is really only there to help guide Hiro and strengthen his beliefs. So now it's up to Hiro to save Ando and stop Sylar. It's hard to tell where this is going to go. No matter what, everything seems to fit with the show. Obviously the writers have no problem killing off main characters so why not Ando? And Ando does die during the explosion so if they fail, that's what's gonna happen. Personally tho, i think that Hiro will end up saving Ando at the last minute. Or maybe one of the other heroes will save him while Hiro tries to find them lol. Finally, the last thing i'm gonna analyze is the whole little tracker girl and suresh. Now, based on the previews, we know that Bennet doesn't shoot the girl but we don't know what happened to either Bennet or Suresh. I don't think either one of them will die tho, i think they'll probably end up coming to some kind of compromise. The girl is the important part. One, she can find Sylar but on the other hand, if something happens and history does go the way Hiro saw it, then she could be the death of every hero on the planet. We know that she idolizes Matt Parkman (who thankfully has been getting more important as time goes by) and since we know parkman joins up with Nathan/Sylar, who can say if the girl won't as well? As for what will happen to change this, it's hard to say. It seems like it's really all up to Peter/Claire/Hiro to stop Sylar. Too bad Hiro doesn't even know the other two are there :P. Well, we'll see how it turns out next week on the season finale! yay! Post your theories on my board! Peace!