For those of you that read the latest smash bros brawl blog, i hope your as pissed as I am. If you don't know what i'm talking about read the brawl blog about handicaps. I'll give a run-down for those of you that missed it and don't want to go check.
If you remember melee, they had a pretty awesome handicap system that stuck you at 5 normally on a scale of 1-9. The lower you go, the easier it is to send you flying and the weaker ur attacks are. Obviously, vice versa if you go higher. Well, instead of that, now the handicap system has been completely axed for brawl and instead, they're just giving a damage handicap. This means you start with 50% or whatever you set it to every time you die. This, IMO, is FAAAAAR worse than what they had last time. In fact, the melee handicap system was one of my fav things about the game! My friends and I play Melee all the time and we always set auto handicap on. What this does is lowers the winners handicap and raises the losers handicap. This makes every game fair regardless of skill level and helps those of us that are better than level 9 comps, get even better at the game. I know that we always have an awesome time, even tho we're all pretty different skill level. Anyway, I can live with them taking it out, but i want my opinion thrown out there that it really should be kept the way it was before.
On to a happier topic, I got the game, Lifesigns: Surgical Unit from gamefly (i wish i had just waited for umbrella chronicles but w/e. That's my next game on the list) and so far, it's pretty entertaining. Not nearly as good as Trauma Center by any means, but still alright. It's basically Trauma Center w/o any training wheels, mixed with Phoenix Wright. You have to do all the "detective work" like Phoenix Wright has, where you basically go around to various places, talk with people and show them stuff to further along the story, then you perform surgery and diagnose people. The reason I said the without training wheels thing above, is also my main problem with the game. I haven't gotten very far but in the one surgery i've performed, an appendectomy, they basically expected that I knew how it was performed. There are no guidelines (unless you sacrifice patient health for a hint) and you are expected to know, where to cut, where to suture, and other advanced surgical stuff. In that sense, it can be pretty frustrating since they give you basically no guidance except for a "consultant" who "consults" you using the most advanced medical terminology possible. Even on that first mission, i had to use the concentration thing on every move since i had no clue where to cut or what to do.
I think that's all for now! If anyone has played RE:UC/Assassins Creed/Crysis/any other awesome game they want to tell me about plz comment about it! I'd love to hear all ur thoughts! Also, i promise i'll be more diligent about ur guys' blogs. Sorry i've been slackin lately. Peace friends!