Well, that marks the end of my first Journal of a Hunter. I hope you enjoyed it and maybe got some ideas for some good games to get!
Ok, onto the tough part of this blog. I've been thinking the last few days about a lot of different things. A lot of things happened to me and the people I care about so I've really had to do some more soul searching but in a much different manner than before. My answer is this:
When I first joined Gamespot and started posting blogs, I always wondered if anyone would ever read these. I started out doing this simply as a personal journal for myself. Pretty soon however, I started really getting into the social aspect of GS and look at me now! Not the most successful blog by any means but I've got a lot of amazing friends on GS now and in my mind, that means I was successful. Whenever I play MMO's, I always wonder if i'm going to be able to make an impact on the game in some way. Maybe i'll be the most powerful player, maybe i'll just be in on the political natures of the game. Who knows? But I knew for sure that I wanted to make an impact in some way. Those same ideals came with me to Gamespot but now that I feel I have made some kind of impact, I'm starting to wonder if it was for the better or for the worse. I truly believed i've helped some people but I also truly believe that i've hurt others. I don't ever want to hurt people, no matter what the cost is. And so, I've decided that it's time I disappear from here. This will be my final blog here. To my friends here on GS, I'm truly sorry. I really did care about you all and you touched my life, but I feel this is for the best. Peace my friends.