Hello everyone! Just a quick blog telling you all what I thought of Journey to the Center of the Earth, the new family-friendly movie that came out based on the book by Jules Verne. The movie, featuring Brendan Fraiser as the main character, has a professor, his nephew and a mountain guide venture into the center of the earth, to find a wonderful prehistoric world. Now, remember first of all that this is a family-friendly movie so cheesiness is a definite. However, the actors all do a great job of minimizing these scenes. The action itself can be entertaining but sometimes simply stupid. A lot of the time you will be thinking to yourself, there's no way someone could survive that or do that. But if you refuse to think realistically, the plot will entertain you for about an hour and a half.
For me, I can relate it to the movie National Treasure, don't think about it and it's kinda fun. Start thinking logistically about it, and it's absolutely ridiculous. Overall, JthCotE (woah for long acronyms) is a fun movie to see once but probably not something I would see again.
There you go. Random movie review for the week :P. Hope everyone's doing well, peace!