Hey guys... sorry, i know it's not usually my style to write about stuff like this but it's been really bothering me lately.
This year, a friend of mine, who i have literally known my entire life, left for college and I already miss her tons... She's one of my best friends and with college starting up, she's been really busy so i haven't really been able to talk to her at all. Before, it didn't really sink in how little i'd get to see her now that she's gone in a different state but it's really starting to hit home now. It's as if a part of me just broke off and left. I've never been very close to my family so my friends mean everything to me. Not only is that hurting me right now but also the thought that, exactly one year from now, i'm gonna be leaving too, and most of my friends now, i'm never gonna see again. It hurts a lot. I haven't been able to get these thoughts out of my mind these last few nights. Anyway, hopefully the feeling will pass soon and I can enjoy my last year here. Sorry about the kind of emo post but I really had to talk about it. Thanks for reading.