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My Movie Weekend!

So, in efforts to keep yesterday's blog shorter, i decided to leave out all the movies i saw over the weekend! Yes, despite all my projects and stuff, i somehow found time to watch 4 movies! fun stuff! So heres my thoughts on all 4!

1. Night of the Living Dead ( 1968 )

night of the living dead

Yup, the horror movie cl@ssic! Night of the Living Dead in all it's awful glory. My friend, who's b-day i went to, is a major movie buff so this was one of the cl@ssics he got for the party. So, I kinda get why this was deemed a cl@ssic in 1968 but honestly... this movie isn't that good. If you like old movies then you might like it but my friend and i (turned out to be just a small thing with just us and one other guy) were laughing at everything. The main chick in the movie will PISS U OFF BEYOND ANYTHING EVER!!! she just kinda sits there, paralysed throughout the whole thing. Literally, she does nothing the entire movie. Worthless. So annoying. Also, there are a bunch of continuity errors which are VERY noticable (people knowing things they shouldn't know) and detract heavily from the movie. And finally, the overall quality of the movie! I get the low budget thing but come on... i thought this was a 1920's or 30's movie. definitely not something from '68! Psh. Anyway, on to number 2!

2. The Shining (1980)

The Shining

Now here is a real horror movie cl@ssic! Steven King remains the horror king! While this movie isn't that scary, it's simply good. A lot of humor, even from the main evil guy, and plenty of twists. If you like shows/movies with lots of symbolism and psychological things in them, this is perfect for you. You'll be analysing this forever. All the acting is incredible with Jack Nicholson in one of his best roles. The main thing about this movie, like i said earlier, is that it's not scary. You might see some of the ending as scary but most of it is just kinda funny. Intentional funny, mind you. not like Night of the Living Dead funny. Yet it's just amazing. I honestly liked everything about this movie. The one thing that might make you not want to see this (or will get ur parents REALLY pissed off at you) is that there is full frontal nudity in this movie. And it's not just a flash or anything. It goes on for quite a while. And guys, you might be saying "sweet! I'm running to blockbuster!" no... Umm... how do i say this without spoiling part of the movie... it's not hot, it's not sexy in any way, shape or form. If you've seen the movie, you know exactly what i'm talking about. Just, be warned *shudders*. Anyway, overall, great movie. Again, though, the main character girl isn't that great. Her acting is fine but she just looks creepy.

Shelly Duvall

3. Next (2007)

Next Poster

Sorry i couldn't find a better poster but w/e. K where to start with this one... I guess the actors. First of all, whoever cast for this movie is seriously F***ed up in the head. Ok lets look at age differences Nicholas Cage: age 43, Jessica Biel: age 25... anyone see a problem with this? THEY HAVE A SEX SCENE IN THIS MOVIE!!! They're freakin 18 years apart!! F***ing gross! K aside from that, it's nicholas cage in his typical, monotone delivery. Nothing he says sounds interesting at all and the only part that's good is when he's supposed to sound boring. He pulls it off perfectly :P. This doesn't reflect on Biel at all tho. I liked her acting personally, and thought she did a great job. Unfortunately, this didn't make up for how bad this movie was anyway. Most of the storyline is pretty good but the ending SUCKS!!!!!!!!!! Seriously and i never say this. I liked the Full Metal Alchemist ending (it's hard to fully appreciate this comment unless u've seen the show). But i just couldn't stand this ending. UGGHH!!!!! stupid!!! So anyway, that about sums up Next. Don't see it, ever. I vowed, after seeing this, that would never make myself suffer through another Nicholas Cage movie. Too many dissapointments.

4. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

shawshank redemption

O thank god!! End with something amazing! So, to be honest, this shouldn't really count since i've seen the movie before but whatever. It's been a while and it's basically the most amazing movie ever made so whatever. What to say about The Shawshank Redemption other than watch it at all costs. All the acting is spot on. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are both great actors so no surprise there. Honestly, it's just an epic movie. The plot is about a man who is falsely (according to him) put into a maximum security prison for allegedly killing his wife and her lover. This is basically his story told through the story of another inmate, Red (Morgan Freeman). An incredibly moving story, i was almost moved to tears during this movie the first time i saw it (and i don't cry so that's really sayin something). Great movie and a great way to end the weekend.

 So that's my movie weekend! I know these weren't great reviews but w/e. I'm a better video game reviewer anyway :P. K peace everyone! Have a freakin awesome week!