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Namaste... and video game talk

Well a whole bunch of people have been comin up to me lately and sayin Namaste. For those of you who dont know, its an indian (the country not native american) greeting much like our waving our hands. Its also the popular saying on the Hanso Website (which if youve been reading this blog at all you should know what it is). So kinda creepy. Also the fact that im seein in-game ads and stuff EVERYWHERE is really kinda creepy too. For example, you ever see those new sprite ads that say Sublymonal all over the place. Yeah thats a Lost Experience thing. You ever see those commercials for the Hanso Foundation. Yup... Jimmy Kimmel live had an interview recently with an exec from who else but the hanso foundation. creepy. I could go on for ages but this is a video game post.. so on to the video games.

First off, anyone who knows me in rl, plz talk to me cuz our church is doin video game tournaments now and you dont have to be  a member or even a christian to play. Just come and there isnt gonna be any crappy evangilistic stuff (our uth pastor is pretty good about not bein pushy or crap like that) its just gonna be some awesme gamin action. Anyway, I finally beat Xenosaga ep. 1 and I hope to start on ep. 2 tomorrow. About time i finally got on with it. Unfortunately it might be a while b4 i beat it cuz i got a bunch of other homework and im gettin Shadow Hearts in the mail from gamefly. So.. idk. Still pissed off about them endin the series and you know.. im kinda pissed about them endin halo too. That seemed to be the one thing that was stable in my life right now was that there would always be the next halo to look forward too. At least theres always final fantasy. (Hey daddy look! i just got final fantasy 329201.) Final fantasy is eternal. Well, i got school tomorrow and have to read a big ass section of the book Night for tomorrow so. night everyone. and namaste!