so just today, Mega Man Battle Network 6 came out. I've been a fan of the series for about 4 years so im dissapointed to see it end *cry* but apparently this is one of the best in the series so im glad to see it go out with a bang. If you have a game boy advance then i HIGHLY recommend you try these games even if you arent normally an RPGer cuz these games are hella fun. Its a real time battle system too so its really action packed and you have to be skilled to win. Not just with menus.
Also, I've mentioned it before but it fits in well with the topic, .hack//G.U. came out in Japan a little while ago and has been #1 on the best sellers list for while now. I CANT FREAKIN wait for it to come out on this side of the pacific. Its supposed to be hella tight so its gonna be awesome. I think thats all for now, i gotta check out dj dans site cuz theres supposed to be a new podcast out. Cyaz.