Hey once again!
Wow! i was amazed at the amount of music suggestions I got from my last blog. Thanks eveyone. I'll make sure i give everything a listen. In fact, I want to list everything you said to make sure I don't miss anything:
- Slade
- The Residents
- Focus
- Animal Collective
- Queen
- Led Zeppelin
- Hendrix
- Guns and Roses
- A Perfect Circle
- Gives You Hell - All American Rejects
- Take it Easy - The Eagles
- Hotel California - The Eagles
- Chain - School of Seven Bells
I liked seeing the classics as much as new stuff :). And there was one band I didn't list, Three Days Grace. I figured i didn't need to list it in new music to check out since they're one of my favorite bands! Actually, fantasyfighter, if you wanna go hunting through my videos for my video blogs, the later ones have an intro video where i used Animal I have Become for the theme song lol.
And just so you know, just cuz i listed the song or band doesn't mean i've never heard them, i just don't own any songs by them or the song you suggested. Thanks again for all the suggestions everyone :)
As for games, it's actually a game I've had for a month but haven't played yet. I said yesterday i'd play it today and I kept to my promise. My first impressions of Shadow of the Collosus for PS2.
I admit, I only had about an hour to play it since I found a last minute application i had to fill out today, but i killed the first two collosi already. My first thought was that this game is really easy. Even though i hadn't hardly mastered the controls at all, my health never even went below 3/4ths full and then it regenerated in less than 5 seconds. That said, i had fun jumping on the collosi and stabbing at their brains lol. The controls and camera are a little finicky but the main gameplay feels solid. I hope to have more of a review up later after i've finished it.
Well, that's all for today friends! i'll try and listen to a bunch of the songs tonight. Peace!
Currently Listening To: Never Too Late - Three Days Grace - 2006