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New profile format.

Well, Gamespot updated the format of the about me stuff and i kinda like the idea but its really buggy. For one, i haven't written 47 reviews and only posted ratings on 10 games... also, i've only made half the amount of tags it said i have. Finally, it says there are 2 people tracking me that i'm not tracking. If ur tracking me and i haven't tracked u back, plz send me a msg but i'm pretty sure i'm friends with everyone tracking me...

anyway, aside from the glitches, i like the format and the idea. tab's seem to be the big thing on browsers so why not use them in gamespots format too! I don't really have anything else to say about that for now. Hopefully the glitches will get fixed pretty soon otherwise they're gonna start buggin me.

Also, I REALLY WANT TO GET TRAUMA CENTER!!!!! I have it next for my gamefly queue but i hate hearing about how awesome it is from a bunch of my friends and I CANT FREAKIN PLAY IT!!! OMG!!! I'm sending back Cthulu now (didn't like it very much. Just couldn't get into it. Had nothing to do with Trauma Center) and hopefully it'll come early next week.

Kinda random and has nothing to do with video games but my friend is gonna give me a Henna Tattoo (hopefully tomorrow) and she's a really great artist so it'll probably turn out looking really cool. I might get a picture up online if i'm really bored or just love it that much. Sorry i never got around to writing reviews for the last... 4 games i've played. They're probably never gonna happen. The only one i remember promising was hunter redeemer and i pretty much said that was a bad game. gameplay = great, everything else was really crappy. don't recommend it even if ur a fan of the hunter games. in fact, if you are a fan, i even more strongly recommend u DONT buy it cuz it's just so bad.

K that turned into a kinda long post. Now i have SAT class... psh. peace!