BREAKING NEWS PEOPLE!!! Jack Thompson, the enemy of gamers every is getting sued!! hahaha it's about freakin time. In case you don't know who Mr. Thompson is, he's the guy who sues Rockstar over basically all their games, all the time. He tries to get games banned in certain states and used to talk on the news all the time. Finally, Take Two is striking back and is sueing Thompson for all his attempts to get games banned saying that it's unconstitutional. They are trying to basically stop him, once and for all, from trying to ban their games and he has to refund them all the money they have wasted on attorney fees. hahaha well i say he deserves it. The idiot has wasted almost his whole life trying to get games banned when in reality, he's the one thats basically giving GTA and co. all the hype they get. I, personally, probably wouldn't have gotten bully if it hadn't been for Thompson's farce in court. I could go on for hours about him but I don't think you want to read that much :P
Anyway, in other news, I got God of War which is possibly the best action game ever. The first thing i did in the game was grab an undead soldier, jab both my blades into him on opposite sides, and rip him in half. The reviews are not kidding when they say it's horrendously gory. But if the blood doesn't bother you, then theres so much to the game!! The fighting rivals Ninja Gaiden and the story is a hundred times better. Also, one thing that might be annoying to some people is that there are a lot of topless chicks. In fact, one of the main characters is topless whenever u talk to her. While that is actually going along with history (because the greek oracles, which were the girls that communed with the gods, were always topless) there is a lot of unnecessary nudity. While it doesn't bug me at all, some people might be offended by it so just be warned. Again, if you can look past these details, the game is incredible. I haven't finished it yet but i'll probably write a full review of it sometime this week.
Finally, last thing, I'm uploading a trailer for Aqua Teen Hunger Force the movie (titles hilarious and i guarantee u'll laugh when u see it so i'm not gonna spoil it here.) so be sure to watch that when it finishes. Well, that was a long post. I'm thinkin about starting a video blog but i'm not entirely sure yet so be on the lookout for updates on that too. Peace!