So yeah, you guys read my last blog post??? well here's part 2. My bro's back from college (spring break for him) and he uses my comp a lot for random whatever stuff (i dont even know what). Anyway, i got home from skool today to find that he installed some kinda weird online gambling program thing. WELL!!! it was loaded with spyware and adware and crap and it f***ed up my computer probably even more than it was before i fixed it yesterday!!! OMG so freakin pissed. So then i had to go run everything again and scan the comp about 3 times to make sure i got everything. freakin stupid...
Also, I went to EB games today and I was shut down more times than i thought possible at a video game store. Quotes are me, Astricks are my thoughts, nothing is what the guy told me. "Do you guys have silverfall?", uhh..... let me check... no. Oh wait! *i perk up* wait... no. *ouch* (don't worry hankey, i'll have the review for ya still) "Okay..." *i spot a Wii box up above* "O!!! do u guys have any Wii's in stock!" haha are you kidding? No one has any. Thats just a box. *more ouch...* "k... you guys have Fable: Lost Chapters *Hey whatever, i loved the regular one, if its cheap enough, why not.* Well, when they are used, the system only records them as regular Fable so why don't we check. *o boy... rumaging through the used game pile...* (after about 10 minutes of searching) nope we don't have it. *X_x...* "Well, i guess i'll just get God of War 2 then" You 18 yet??? *awwww... **** I'm 17...* "Oh yeah... right... Well, then Twilight Princess" Okay (finally get that) "Hey by the way do you guys hire anyone under 18 to work here? I'm 17." (just flat out) no.
So that's my great EB games story. Uber ouch... Anyway, i left with Twilight Princess for the GC so i guess it all ended okay. Although then i came home to my fun comp problems X_x...
Finally (i promise this is the last thing :P), i finished Hunter the Reckoning: Redeemer and it has, quite possibly, the worst storyline ever... The ending makes absolutely no sense at all and the voice-overs are sub-par with the addition of the GOD AWFUL Redeemer. OMG, her voice made me want to shoot myself X_x. Anyway, full review on that soon (whenever i get around to it... I promise it'll be better than my God of War review lol. Peace everyone!!! Props to you if you read that whole thing :P