Hey everyone! sorry i haven't been very active today, there are a couple reasons. In fact, I probably don't really have time to be writing this... oh well, i should probably let ya all know. I'm gonna be really busy until about next monday with projects and homework and stuff. Also, i'm finally taking my drivers test tomorrow so my parents have been making me practice a whole bunch. Kinda mixed feelings about the test but w/e. I personally hate driving (weird i know) and have made it a point to procrastinate taking my test for as long as possible. But now i'm 17 and i really need to get on it. It's not exactly a great start to a date when ur parents are driving you :P. Anyway, so even when i'm done with all that, i'm probably gonna be spending most of my free time playing Trauma Center (which just came today!! WOOT!!).
My thoughts so far on Trauma Center. Hella fun and seriously addicting. It is really hard though like people said but since you only really have 5 minutes to finish the operation anyway, replaying a mission over and over again isn't that much of a pain. So far the storyline's been really cheesy too. I just finished Chapter 1 so now i'm actually on to the real stuff. Great story though, i didn't know you get stabilizer (wasn't paying attention in that part of the tutorial i guess lmao) so the mission where you have to get the swelling down in the guys intestines was HELL!!! i kept getting all the swelling down and then i started on the tumors and the guy would die. Damn... I love the losing message too. "They realized that he never had any business working on patients in the first place" lmao. You screw up in one operation and all the sudden you should never have been a doctor lololol. Well, anyway, fun game. If you have a Wii you should get it. Now i have to work on my homework so i'll talk to ya all whenever all this crap going on ends. Peace all!
And hankey, yes i will have my preview to ya by friday if not sooner.